An updated outdoor living area in Auckland

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An updated outdoor area with pergola in Auckland, New Zealand

Auckland Central Zones Landscaping Specialist Rose Bridge worked with these homeowners to optimise their outdoor space.

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Auckland Central Zones Landscaping Specialist Rose Bridge worked with these homeowners to optimise their outdoor space. Primarily interested in replacing their existing deck with a much larger one, the homeowners also wanted to shift their existing swim spa pool to a more practical location where it could be built-in to the deck. To complete their new space, they also wanted a new barbeque bench unit, a levelled back lawn and a tidied home entrance.

Landscape design

Rose and her team provided the homeowners with an initial concept design, providing them with advice and inspiration along the way. This included suggestions surrounding their barbeque bench framing, outdoor tap selections, choosing the right handrail style and more. 

Hardscaping and fencing

Following the kwila deck replacement and extension, the Zones team relocated the swim spa and secured it with fencing and balustrading. 

“One of the biggest challenges was moving the swim spa off the deck and then moving it back onto its new concrete pad, in order to wrap the deck around it”, tells Rose. “Originally, we were going to hire a crane for both moves but this would have involved a huge cost and project delays for the client early on in the project, as a traffic management plan would have been required. To avoid these time delays and costs, the builders did some good problem solving and used trollies and manpower to manoeuvre the pool themselves.”

Built-in BBQ

With the spa installed, the next focus was the barbeque bench unit, which Rose describes as “the best design element of the project”:

“The client wanted a built-in gas barbeque, a hole for a new EGG barbeque, space for a fridge and a sink as well as bench space”, says Rose. “We presented the client with the option to have a really smart looking concrete benchtop atop a wooden frame, with a built-in concrete sink instead of stainless steel. During the barbeque unit design stage, we decided that the unit would look great with black vertical panels to blend with the existing black fencing around the property and to break up the expanse of new kwila decking.”


Rose’s team also placed slat screens around the deck in order to provide the homeowners with privacy from their neighbours. The existing sloped lawn was levelled, retained and a low-maintenance ready lawn was installed. The final touches involved planting new trees along the property’s boundary, replacing the property’s existing paving with a new concrete patio and installing outdoor lights.   

Completed in around four weeks on either side of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, the homeowners now have a beautiful and private outdoor living space. The newly established deck provides an ideal location to relax, socialise and soak up the sun while the new layout makes the spa pool seem all-the-more inviting. 

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This project was completed in
November 2020
Project description
New deck, relocating spa, new barbeque unit, lawn levelling, ready lawn installation, tree removal, planting, outdoor lighting,
Auckland Central
New Zealand
Project duration
4 weeks (approx.)
Cost estimate
Actual cost
COVID-lockdown, moving the spa
Interesting aspects
Barbeque bench unit
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Monique Nielsen is a Landscaping Consultant of Hammock Bay Landscaping Limited, a franchisee of Zones Landscaping New Zealand, doing business in Auckland Central.

Actual costs vary by project. Plan ahead to reduce the impact of industry changes or disruptions. For more information see here.

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